Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog #8

       My research paper is almost complete. I have to make a few revisions after peer editing and make use of some advantageous verbs. Also, I must find a way to use transitions; for some reason I abruptly stop a thought and begin with another. I guess transitions feel unnatural and i have to force them into my writings. The annotated bibliography did help me in gathering and organizing the concrete details of the paper.I was reading another book in the library about writing styles that talks about "balance" and shows examples. When looking at my paper it doesn't look balanced, but then again, I disagree with their concept of balance. I guess its a non-issue. Since writing the critical analysis, my works cited pages have been greatly improved. The TS/CD's have really helped me... really. In past writings, I lacked purpose and would keep going with an idea until it ran dry. Now I have organization, structure and purpose. I know where the writing is going. The topic of the paper is something that I am passionate about, so to write about this was enjoyable. While doing research for this paper I found myself wondering off course, digging too deep. I found several books about the topic that I would like to read in the future, and learned some of the history of this topic as well. Other than those adjustments I believe the paper is successful at making an a well documented argument. 

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