Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blog #3

     I don't have as much confidence in my writings as I should. I don't think I'm bad, just average. This could be due to my lack of structure. Often my writings lack a logical flow or purpose. I think the TSCDs are helping me with this problem. Reflecting back to my thesis through my writings could also use some attention. I tend to stray from my thesis.
    I am proactive when working on a group assignment. I hate to depend on anyone; I need control over my own grade. This does not qualify me as a leader. Telling others what to do has never been a goal of mine. Sometimes people are too busy or slow to response to email and this gets very annoying. I don't mind letting other read my work and offer up suggestions, but all together I do not like working in groups to write a paper.

     I felt my individual summary was much better than the group summary. Trying to complete a paper when the members of the group have differing opinions is not easy. I enjoyed selecting one of the articles and not being told which one to summarize. After reading the author's work over and over I think I fully understood his points. I agreed with most of his opinions before reading his article. I guess its easier to summarize someone you agree with than fighting yourself to accept their argument and summarize it at the same time.


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