Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Research Paper Free Write

     I don't play sports and I'm not a member of any clubs. I'm old. When having discussions with friends or family we talk politics, the economy and sometimes sports. Things that upset me not the news include bailouts (banks, auto, and realtor), political games, and arrogance. News, politics and economic issues may interest me too me for my own good. I've been told there is nothing you can do to change it, so stop thinking about it. They may be right. Political economics and economic policy are interesting as well as useful subjects.
     World affairs are becoming increasingly more important with free trade and the ease of world travel. Numerous wars, trade issuse, and currency manipulation are leading to uncertainty. I'm curious to see how some of these issues will unfold.  

     On a less serious note, I love to watch football. College or NFL, it doesn't matter. To me its about analyzing plays, watching match-ups, and reading the defence. I am a Bears fan, but more importantly, a fan of the game. I enjoy going to the games but tend to over hydrate myself.

1 comment:

  1. Okay. A couple of ideas -- what about arguing for or against involvement in fantasy sports leagues? Also, could you make an arguement that it is easier or harder, now, to travel internationally than it was for "our" parents' generation?
